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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. Canada

ID #1623852937
Added Wed, 16/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Брантфорд, ON

One night, the main witness was in a deep sleep when she was suddenly woken up by a baby monitor and heard strange noises. It was a variety of clicking sounds that gave her the creeps. 

She was about to check on the baby when she suddenly heard an "overwhelming" sound right outside her bedroom window, like the engine of a transport truck with spinning wheels. At the same time, her husband began to look as if his body was experiencing uncontrollable shaking/convulsions, and he was sleeping a full-deep sleep. 

She felt as if someone was in the room with her, and she wanted to get out of bed and check on her baby. However, she was unable to get out of bed due to an invisible force, and the thoughts of not entering her child's room were in her mind and were very overwhelming. She was very frightened, but remained calm, as she managed to wake her husband and tell him what had happened. 

They eventually talked about the incident, but by the time he woke up, the sounds were gone. When she woke up in the morning, she realized one very important thing: she had never checked on her child and clearly remembered how she really got out of bed. 

Another incident from that night that she remembers was that when she was trying to get up and check on her baby, there was a tall figure standing in the doorway, and when she opened it, they both flew into the air. She then recalls asking questions and telling "this force" that she would not resist, but she needed to see it, and she went willingly. All this was done through a thought process. 

For a brief second, she felt the pressure on her chest and stomach like a roller coaster, and the rest was very unclear as everything became very bright and luminescent. She doesn't remember ever seeing or holding her baby that night. She does remember seeing another universe, and at the time, it looked like a firework falling into the black sky. When she realized that these were all the planets she was "passing", she knew exactly what was happening to her.

When she checked on her son that morning, he had very strange marks on his spine just above the "crack" on his buttocks. (The witness believes that other members of her family, including her husband and daughter, were also involved in the clashes.)

Original news

Location. Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Date: May-June 2006
Time: late night
The main witness was in a deep sleep one night when suddenly she was woken up by her baby’s monitor and heard strange sounds. They were various clicking sounds that gave her the chills. She wanted to check on the baby when suddenly heard an “overwhelming” sound right outside her bedroom window and it sounded like the engine of a transport truck with wheels turning. At the same time her husband started to look like his body was going into some uncontrollable shaking/convulsion and he was in a full deep sleep. She felt like there was someone in the room with her and she wanted to get out of bed and check on her baby. However she was prevented from getting out of bed by an unseen force and thoughts of not entering her child’s room were in her mind and very overwhelming. She was very frightened but remained calm as she managed to wake up her husband and told him of what had happened. They ended up talking about the incident but by the time he woke up there were no more sounds that were evident. When she woke up in the morning she realized one very important thing, she never actually checked on her baby and she clearly recalled actually getting out of bed. Another incident from that night that she remember was that as she tried to get up and check on her baby a tall figure stood in the doorway and as she opened it they both flew up into the air. She then remembers asking questions and telling “this force” that she would not resist, but she needed to see and was going willingly. This was all done through the thought process. She felt pressure for a brief second on her chest and stomach like a roller coaster and the rest is very unclear as everything turned very bright and luminescent. She doesn’t recall ever seeing or holding her baby that night. She does remember seeing another universe, and it looked like fireworks falling in the black sky at the time. When she realized that they were all planets that she was “passing” by, she knew exactly what was happening to her. When she checked up on her son that morning he had very strange marks on his spine right above the crack of his buttocks. (The witness believes that other members of her family including her husband and daughter have been involved in encounters).

Source: Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research @


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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