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Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein


Added Mon, 27/12/2021
Release date
Original title
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein

"Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein" (English: "Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein") is an American comedy horror film released in 1948. In 2001, the film was included in the US National Film Registry.

Director Mcdouglass arrives at the delivery service office with an order to deliver two boxes to his "Museum of Horrors". Chick Young and his cowardly and stupid colleague Wilbur Gray should bring these boxes.

When they deliver the cargo, the lights in the museum turn off, and Chick goes to investigate. Count Dracula comes out of one of the boxes and hypnotizes Wilbur. Opening the second drawer, Dracula finds Frankenstein's monster in it. Both monsters disappear, and Mcdouglass accuses the clerks of stealing the exhibits.

Dracula and the Monster arrive at the island laboratory of Dr. Sandra Moray. Sandra is a neurosurgeon, and thanks to Henry Frankenstein's diary, she knows the secret of life. Dracula, who wants to give the Monster a new power, turns to her for help. Sandra decides to give the monster a brain transplant. They decide to make a donor of Sandra's beau, Wilbur Gray.

Wolf Man Larry Talbot rents a room next to Wilbur and Chick's room. The next morning, the clerks see that the room is a mess and chaos. Talbot explains to them that he turns into a wolf by the light of a full moon. He came from London to the USA to destroy Dracula and the Monster, with whom he has been dealing for many years. Wilbur volunteers to help the werewolf, but Chick decides that their neighbor is crazy.

In the evening, Chick and Wilbur go to Sandra's castle laboratory, intending to invite her to a masquerade ball. Talbot informs them on the phone that they are in "Dracula's Castle", but Chick does not believe it. Dracula and the Monster attempt to steal Wilbur's brain in the basement, but Wilbur manages to escape. Wilbur tries to convince Chick that monsters live in the castle, but he ignores him. Meanwhile, Sandra's friend Joan Raymond finds Frankenstein's diary in her nightstand.

Dracula, posing as Dr. Lejos, wants to go to the ball with everyone. Taking advantage of the moment when Sandra settles things with her assistant Dr. Stevens, the vampire hypnotizes her and bites her in the neck.

At the ball, Chick, Wilbur and Talbot, at Sandra's request, go into the woods to look for Joan. In the woods, Talbot turns into a wolf and attacks Mac Douglas. Meanwhile, Chick falls asleep in the bushes, and Dracula hypnotizes Wilbur, and he and Sandra take him to the island laboratory. In the morning Talbot and Chick decide to steal a boat and go to the island.

In the evening, Dracula and Sandra, having stunned Stevens, prepare the Monster and Wilbur for surgery. Chick and Talbot free Wilbur, but he returns to the castle under the hypnosis of the vampire.

Before Sandra opens the clerk's head, Talbot pushes her aside, but does not have time to untie him and turns into a Wolf Man. The wolf rushes into battle with Dracula, and the Monster chases the clerks. Trying to escape, Dracula turns into a bat, but the wolf grabs her on the fly and both monsters fall into the sea. Sandra is freed from the vampire's hypnosis. Chick and Wilbur run out to the pier and try to sail away on a boat, but the Monster starts throwing barrels at them. Dr. Stevens sets fire to the wooden pier, and Frankenstein's Monster dies in the fire. In the boat, Chick and Wilbur see a cigarette hanging in the air, and a voice says: "Let me introduce myself. I am an Invisible Man!". Clerks jump into the water and swim to the shore.

Phenomena in artwork: Werewolf

The werewolf is represented by the same Lawrence Talbot, who is cursed: on a full moon, he turns into a humanoid wolf and attacks people. Being in human form, he is aware of his problem and suffers from it, but he cannot resist the call of the moon. The events of the previous film ("House of Dracula"), in which Talbot was cured of the curse, are completely ignored.

For some unknown reason, Talbot pursues Count Dracula and Frankenstein's monster, trying to stop their atrocities. This is probably the first film that shows the now-traditional conflict between vampires and werewolves.

Phenomena in artwork: A vampire

The only vampire in the film is Count Dracula, who arrives in the USA in a coffin. According to the canon, he hypnotizes people and drinks their blood, biting into the neck, and also turns into a bat. At the same time, we are never shown either his fangs or traces of them on the victim's neck.

For most of the film, Dracula walks with a cloak covering the lower part of his face – the reason for this is unclear, but now it is an integral part of the image.

The count's attitude to the crucifixion, garlic and holy water remains unknown. In the scene in which the vampire hypnotizes and bites the girl, his reflection in the mirror is clearly visible.

At the end of the film, a vampire falls off a cliff into the sea, after which the people hypnotized by him are freed from his power.

Phenomena in artwork: Zombies

Frankenstein's monster acts as the living dead. For some reason, he obeys Count Dracula, calls him "master" and carries out all his orders.

The monster has great strength, although nothing is said about its invulnerability in the film. The creature's movements are constrained, it is clumsy and clumsy. He moves with his arms outstretched in front of him, which is now considered an integral part of the image. As before, the vitality of the monster is given by an electric current.

Phenomena in artwork: Poltergeist

The results of the invisible man's actions can be taken as manifestations of a poltergeist. He appears only in the last scene of the film and lights up, talking to the main characters. Those who see only a cigarette suddenly igniting in the air, smoke appearing out of nowhere and hear a voice whose source is invisible.

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