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The Calusari


Added Wed, 01/07/2020
Release date
Original title
The X-Files (season 2, episode 21)

The X-Files

TV Show|1993
The exploits of FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully who investigate X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. Mulder believes in the existence of aliens and the paranormal while Scully, a skeptic, is assigned to make scientific analyses of Mulder's discoveries that debunk Mulder's work and thus return him to mainstream cases.

Secret files (season 2)

TV Show Season|1994

X-files is no more. The Department disbanded, agents Scully and Mulder are distributed to other units of the FBI. However, the new developments prove conclusively that the investigation of "Secret materials" is necessary, and Walter Skinner restores the unit to investigate the paranormal with a new team: Fox Mulder and Alex Gracecom.

"The kalushars" (eng. "The Calusari") – twenty-first episode of the second season of the series "Secret materials". It belongs to the category of "monster of the week" and is not associated with the main "mythology" of the series, given in the first series.

Initially, "the kalushars", or "mermaids" (ROM. căluşari; mold. calusari, căluşari; Bolg. calusari, RUSAL; Makkedah. the mermaids) – members of the Balkan secret societies and brotherhoods who practiced a ritual acrobatic dance. They were known for their ability to create the impression of flight in the air.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

In Murray (Virginia) two-year Teddy Holvi is killed at an amusement Park, once on the rail excursion train. Earlier Teddy was mysteriously released from a special children's suspenders and walked over horizontally flying a helium balloon to the train tracks. Unlike Steve and Maggie, the parents of Teddy, his older brother Charlie, who was present there, did not upset his brother's death.

Three months later, Mulder and Scully analyze a photo that was taken seconds before the death of Teddy. Mulder drew attention to the ball that moves against the wind. Laboratory analysis of the photo conducted by Dr. Charles Burke, reveals a mysterious electromagnetic formation, shaped like a child or a short man holding a ball. Mulder shares found with Holvi, but they angrily reject his theory of the invisible force that had a hand in the death of a boy. Scully notices how grandma Charlie, Romanian gold, he draws a swastika on his arm. Scully suggests that children could become victims of Munchausen's syndrome. During a conversation with Steve agents learn that gold was strongly against their marriage with Maggie, but after she settled at Holvi children were often ill with strange diseases. In addition, the grandmother was acting suspiciously (for example, throwing chicken poop on the porch). Scully encourages social workers to pay attention to family Holvi. In spite of the indignation Maggie, Steve is going to take Charlie to the social worker, Karen Kosseff, but before leaving the garage dies, as his tie inexplicably entangled in the mechanism of a garage door. On the death of Steve Mulder discovers a black powder, which takes in the lab Burke. Analysis of the powder indicates the absence in its composition of both organic and inorganic compounds.

In the house at the invitation of Golda arrive, the three men kalushar. Locked in the room of gold, they carried out the ritual from which Charlie begins to convulse, and loses consciousness. At this time comes Karen Koseff with the intention to talk to Charlie and Maggie. Seeing smoke from under the door, a woman burst into the room, and Maggie tells an angry mother and causaram to get out of her house. Men leave, but Golda grabs Charlie and locked in the room, trying to complete the ritual. Gold suddenly knocked down by some unseen force. Charlie quickens previously brought in sacrifice roosters who peck Golda to death. The kalushars explain to Mulder what they were trying to stop an ancient evil that has always lived here. Charlie's also the question of what happened, screaming that the grandmother was killed by Michael. Maggie tells the agents that Michael is born dead twin brother Charlie, which they Steve never told the boy.

Charlie faints from the next attack, and Maggie takes him to the hospital. There is Michael, posing as Charlie (who continues to sleep peacefully in the house), convinces Maggie to go home. Their departure sees Scully, who informs Mulder. He is sure that killing people isn't Charlie, and the spirit of Michael. The agents are separated, Scully hurries home to Holvi, while Mulder finds kalushar and those arrive at the hospital to complete the ritual. Michael almost manages to kill Maggie Scully, but the kalushars complete the ritual on Charlie and Michael disappears, leaving a pile of ash. Maggie is reunited with Charlie in the hospital, while the elder kalushar warns Mulder that the evil "now knows."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Ghost

The reason for all the events in the episode is the dead spirit is born dead twin brother of the boy Charlie. According to Romanian belief, after the birth of Charlie needed to perform the ritual that separates the twin soul and liberating him from chasing the Ghost of his brother Michael. The ritual has not been carried out, and the remaining bond allowed the spirit of Michael to come to the world of the living and harm them.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Poltergeist

A poltergeist is the result of the actions of the Ghost of Michael - born dead twin brother Charlie. Poltergeist manifestations can be considered a spontaneous movement of objects, turning on and off electrical appliances, sudden gusts of wind in up in the air people.

The manifestation of a poltergeist, as a rule, is accompanied by the appearance of the unknown like ashes substances (vibhūti).

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Phenomena in artwork: Mysterious substance

When poltergeist manifestations on the surfaces of surrounding objects appears similar to the ash substance of black color. Its chemical analysis shows the absence of both organic and inorganic compounds. The expert recognizes in substance Vibhuti – substance, known to him from India. According to him, this substance "is created in the presence of spirits or during dowsing, i.e. phenomena in which the energy of a person is transferred to another place."

Actually Vibhuti is the Holy ash in Hinduism that is generated by quite a trivial way and having a certain origin and chemical structure. To receive Vibhuti can be used a variety of ingredients (dry cow dung, firewood from Billy, asvattha and other species of wood) which is burnt in the ritual Homa fire, or even in the home.

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Phenomena in artwork: Witchcraft

The kalushars twice carried out the ritual of separation shower twin boys, the first time unsuccessfully. In the first case, the image of the dead brother appears in the smoke over the ritual vessel. During the second ritual, Charlie begins to speak Romanian, his bed is up in the air, and the body flexes. On the walls acts as a substance similar to ectoplasm. All effects cease at the end of the ritual.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Ectoplasm

Similar to the ectoplasm (or liquid honey) a substance appears on the walls during the ritual separation of the twins shower.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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