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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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Насекомые в роли "инопланетян"

"Pravda", December 16, 1978:

Круги в океане

Since time immemorial, floating in the oceans, sailors meet with phenomena that remain a mystery today. This optical phenomena, or, as he called them academician.

Лунная лестница

Such a beautiful light phenomenon, like moonlight on water, are familiar to all.

Смешение грозовых облаков с северным сиянием показали в таймлапсе

Photographer Tim Grimes from Australia on August 5 went to shoot the Northern lights. But he was more fortunate than he expected.

С Байконура запущена последняя ракета «Союз-ФГ»

Rocket "Soyuz-FG" with the spacecraft "Soyuz MS-15" and three crew members on Board was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

Раскрыт секрет девушки, плачущей кристаллами

Family Satenik Ghazaryan refutes the claim doctors of the centre "blitz" filling station, she's intend to prove that her illness is not an invention.

Эксперты поведали, что скрывается за так называемыми НЛО в крымском небе

At the end of summer 2019, in Kerch and Feodosia could be seen unusual luminous objects in the sky.

Небо Эстонии украсили ленты

The evening of September 27 a resident of Estonia Tarmo Tanilsoo went outside hoping to see the Northern lights, however, witnessed several other atmospheric phenomena.

Призраки в океане

We used to say that the Earth does not remain white spots. But few think about the fact that man is master of only one-sixth of the planet.

В одном из домов Воронежа по батареям пустили ток

In Voronezh, evacuated two entrances of the nine-floor house down the street holzunova, 92.

В Омске свечение от ракеты приняли за НЛО или комету

Residents of Omsk on 26 September to discuss the unusual phenomenon that they observed in the night sky.

Еще раз о пришельцах

The Martians appeared in broad daylight. However, terrible tripod, described by Hg wells, near one of the busiest highways of Arkansas (USA) was not observed, but the roadway was unlikely.


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