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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Жители Ижевска приняли свет от теплиц за высадку НЛО

Citizens from Izhevsk noticed a strange bright light that is shaped like a mushroom, in the village of Khokhryaki.

Канадские ученые изобрели «щит невидимости»

The idea is to create a device to become invisible, tickled the imagination of mankind throughout history.

Космос и мифы - зашифрованная реальность?

КОСМОС И МИФЫ - ЗАШИФРОВАННАЯ РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ? Вадим Вилинбахов, канд. истор. наук

Откуда летят "летающие тарелки"

"Looks very similar to man, including manner of dress. Absolutely not aggressive, and, most important, has at itself the weapon.

"Летающие тарелки". Что это?

We offer to your attention an interview published in the newspaper "Moscow news" (№ 24, June 13, 1982).

Все - сплошной обман

Fans of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) "know" how to look manage green men.

Раскрыта тайна "летающих тарелок"?

Theory and experiments of Soviet scientists explain the origin of the mysterious disk-shaped formations in the atmosphere and ocean.

Небесные феномены

The editors have received many letters asking to tell about so-called UFOs.

Эксперимент, а не НЛО

Many saw the luminous cloud did not doubt that this is the proverbial "flying saucer". Sorry to debunk unrestrained imagination, but the cloud no relation to UFO had.

Пензенец принял шар Федора Конюхова за НЛО и вызвал полицию

"PP" new details have become known of the flight of the famous traveler over our region

Рисуем портрет незнакомки

How to prove the truth of our ideas about the world? Where people know what they know? About this reflects the Leningrad scientist and writer, doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences I. M.

«Марсовская паника» 1921 г. в Эстонии

In the German journal "Zeitschrift des Vereins fur Volkskunde" (1925-26, Heft 4) placed article astronomer of the Observatory in Tartu (Estonia) V.


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