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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Народное наблюдение «играния Солнца»

In his work "South of the great rite "watch the Sun", published in the journal Ethnography, the scholarly E. R.

Солнечное затмение по заказу

None of the astronomical Yearbook of the world you will not find mention of solar eclipses, 1975. This year they are simply not there. Nevertheless, modern space has made adjustments.

Опознание без очной ставки

In the late 40-ies in the United States a businessman was flying on his own plane along the high snowy mountain range.


— You know that close to Leningrad, the voice on the phone was absolutely flat, calm, — traces of "Bigfoot"?

— Who, who?!

В своей тарелке

Near the small French village of magni-Le-Hamo 30 km West of Paris in the sky often appear strange aircraft. Some of them are remarkably similar to "flying saucers".

Стрекочущие "тарелочки"

It tells the journal "Urania" (GDR), one of the American scientists of research institutes have discovered a truly surprising connection between unidentified flying objects (so-called flying saucer

Пришельцы не пришли

Who first knew about the existence of a small Brazilian town of Casimiro de Abreu? Only eight thousand of its citizens and a few hundreds of inhabitants of the surrounding areas.

Ночной переполох

The English town of Skipton in Yorkshire is too far from the Arctic circle, to where it was possible to see the Northern lights.

Конец одной сенсации

"The night was starry and dark, moreover, in General typical for our places. Brightly shone the major stars, planets. Particularly striking was a star surrounded by a visible halo.

Первая академическая публикация об НЛО

In December 1979 the Central radio message was transmitted on the publication of Institute for Space research, USSR Academy of Sciences booklet "observations of anomalous atmospheric phenomena in t

"Зеленые человечки" и выхлопные газы

Dear Mr. editor! I live in Genoa and one day witnessed TV shows in which they discussed whether "aliens" come to us, kidnap people, etc.

Киалимская Бабка - вовсе не призрак

Today's morning story about how was born the myth of grandmother Taganana will tell you the chief editor of "Good news" Alexander oleksyuk.


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