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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Rare double halo surrounded the moon

Last night Dan Bush saw something similar right from your yard in Albany, Missouri.

Why river to Vladivostok was green?

The water in the river Explanation in Vladivostok has changed its color to green poisonous than outright frightened local residents.

Scientists have found a rare mouse deer

Amazing, the deer like creature the size of a rabbit was photographed in the wild in the South of Vietnam for the first time in three decades.

A spectacular fireball exploded in the night sky

On Monday evening, November 11, in the sky over the American city of St. Louis, Missouri, were seen a meteor, according to CBS.

Musk launched 60 satellites

11 Nov 16:56 SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket with the second batch of 60 mini-satellites.

The rocket launched from launch pad SLC-40 at Cape Canaveral.

Kitten with two noses and four eyes

In the US vet out kitten with two faces named Duo. It is reported by news portal Inside Edition.

Taught Adobe Photoshop to determine whether the edited photo

Adobe spent the next annual MAX conference in California, which showed its new developments. One of them was an application About Face.

The most terrifying of anomalous zones of the world ocean

The mighty ocean is full of mystery, mysteries and secrets. Man is only a drop in the ocean, and he knows that to hide the most terrible and dangerous places of the water world.

In China captured a fish with "human face"

A resident of one of the villages caught in the river, unusual fish with "human face".

Кто-то принял метеор за НЛО над Минском

News Of Belarus. A rare phenomenon managed to capture Amateur astronomers, said the program "Capital details" on the CTV.

НЛО у Луны наблюдали жители Ростова

Residents of Rostov-on-don the other day I saw an interesting object near the Moon. This is evidenced by many photographs made by the residents and then placed in a social network.

Финский пляж покрылся «ледяными яйцами»

On Sunday, 3 November, on the coast of the Baltic sea noticed an amazing phenomenon. Finnish beach Marjaniemi on Hailuoto island was covered with a carpet of white ice balls.


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