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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


В Тасмании на пляже обнаружили «человеческий мозг», от касания к которому немеют конечности

A local resident found on Tasmanian beach a mysterious creature, which is very similar to the human brain. Touching him, the woman numb limbs. Reports the Daily Mail.

Взрывающиеся жабы

After several weeks of harassing scientists is the great mystery of the exploding toads in Germany was revealed.

Зомби Английского Средневековья

Article BBC (judging by the link) on Helluin.

The walking dead climbing out of graves (or round top) has inexplicably become an integral part of mass culture.

Призрачные запахи: ученые выяснили, почему мы их чувствуем

Sometimes there are situations that the person suddenly feels some smell, which at the moment just can't be. Surrounding this smell can not hear.

Таксистами обозначен список мистических дорог России

On the eve of Halloween, about 41% of taxi drivers said that they are superstitious and believe in various omens and signs.

Haunted houses, sinister hostels and chilling castles

People travel all over the world for a variety of purposes: to escape from the daily hustle and bustle, embark on an adventurous adventure or just get new impressions.

Аппарат Samsung для комических селфи упал в Мичигане

Nancy Welch, a resident of the village of Merrill (Saginaw County, Michigan, USA), October 26, hearing the noise on their land, found a pseudo, owned by AMIP, recently launched on a helium balloon

Мистика Эмиратов

United Arab Emirates – one of the most popular destinations for tourism. Meanwhile in this country has its landmarks and legends, the ability to attract the lovers of mysticism.

Собака родила зеленого щенка

In the US, the female great Dane delivered the original litter one of the puppies has a distinct greenish color.

Раскрыта тайна внезапного появления гигантских куполов на поверхности моря

A group of scientists from the USA found that the giant domes on the sea surface are the bubbles that occur during the eruption of underwater volcanoes. About it reports the edition Phys.org.

Дрон запечатлел хитрый (и очень красивый) способ охоты горбатых китов

Biologists from the University of Hawaii conducted an interesting experiment, securing the camera on the backs of humpback whales, the researchers wondered how these mammals behave during the hunt.

"Призрак ребенка" в кроватке с малышом

A young mother from Illinois named Marisa Elizabeth told about the unusual case that happened to her.


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