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48 meteors scattered over the winter landscape in China

Added Wed, 27/12/2017
Дата публикации
Tue, 26/12/2017

Dark skies over the province of Heilongjiang in northeast China falling meteors. The "stars" scattered over the winter landscape on this beautiful composite of night photos. 48 meteor — part of the annual meteor shower, the Geminids.

Despite a temperature of -28 degrees Celsius, Meteora was recorded using photographic exposures made during rush hour of heavenly phenomenon. They flow from the radiant flux high above the horizon next to the two bright stars of the zodiacal constellation Gemini.

This year's peak on December 13-14 geminid stepped right in front of the closest approximation of asteroid (3200) Phaethon to the Earth on December 16. Mysterious (3200) Phaeton — the most likely parent body of the Geminids stream.

Stream gave the Terrans a lot of great shots. Starfall captured on the background of the milky way, against the background of ancient ritual gates in Japan, England and Finland.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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