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American burned field, "to stop the zombie Apocalypse"

Added Sun, 15/07/2018
Дата публикации
Sun, 15/07/2018

The woman managed to arrange two major arson, and then at high speed to get away from police pursuing her. June 26, a resident of Half moon Bay (California), started a fire in one of the local fields. 39-year-old woman intentionally burned 900 bales of hay worth 10 $ 800, reports the Metro. To question the police about the reason for this behavior Monica Burleigh said that in this way "tried to stop a zombie Apocalypse".

The police were shocked by her explanation, but still let the bully home. However, Burley has not calmed down, having been on the field a week after the first arson. The woman again started the fire, but when at the scene the cops came, she decided to escape at the speed of 160 km per hour, simultaneously conducting a Live audio feed on Facebook.

Shrieking voice she cried out:

"All these cops are chasing me and I didn't do anything illegal. I didn't do anything wrong. Oh my God guys".

The damage from the second arson amounted to 765 bales of hay. It's about 9 910$. This time Monica said that nothing was on fire, although the fire place was found lighter fluid, and shortly before the incident, she admitted to a neighbor, the fire needed to prevent the "cult massacre".

Now the woman was taken into custody. The Prosecutor demands severe punishment on the grounds that her actions could result in human casualties. The judge set bail at 100 thousand dollars and plans to send the arsonist for psychological evaluation.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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