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Disease "zombies" attacked deer in North America

Added Tue, 23/01/2018
Дата публикации
Tue, 23/01/2018

Mysterious illness overcomes deer in North America. The virus destroys nerve connections in the body and negatively affects their brain. Scientists fear that the disease will migrate and people.

For the first time, "zombie-disease" is discovered by scientists in 1967 in Fort Collins, located in Colorado. Earlier outbreaks were recorded, but not as massive as it is now.

The disease is spread through prions, that is incompatible proteins that provoke the development of other proteins around them. Scientists say that such strains usually target one species, but in the process of evolution can migrate to other organisms, including human.

The experts are asked not to eat deer meat to check it for infection, otherwise this meat will literally eat you.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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