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Artificial intelligence already talented writes horror stories

Added Thu, 26/10/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 26/10/2017

I heard from the darkness the voice of his dead mother. She desperately cried, "God, please, stop hurting me! Leave me alone, I don't want to stay here anymore!" I'm terrified raised his head and for a split second saw her, or rather her bottomless black eyes looking at me from the ceiling...

This is not an excerpt from the new novel by "master of horror" Stephen king and the beginning of the "scary" story, invented by an advanced artificial intelligence. A program called "Shelley AI", operating on the basis of neural networks, simulates the human creative thinking and composing full-length work in the genre of horror.

And she writes it out pretty slowly, giving only one to three sentences per hour. Complex algorithms for deep learning allow the machine to create a complete logical story that is almost impossible to distinguish from the story, from the pen of a talented writer (with the genius while will not compare).

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of technology "feed" the robot tens of thousands of literary works in the style of "horror" ranging from recognized classics like "Dracula" by Bram Stoker and ending with the most interesting Amateur stories written by Internet users.

Artificial intelligence has reviewed someone else's work and began to create their own, coming up with unique characters, setting, plot twists, and the like.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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