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During World War II, the United States tried to use luminous foxes against Japan

Added Tue, 21/05/2024
Дата публикации
Tue, 21/05/2024

During World War II, the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) developed a number of unusual tactics to gain an advantage over the enemy. One such operation was Fantasia, which tried to exploit the superstitions of the Japanese people.

The "fantasy" was aimed at making the Japanese believe in the existence of a supernatural kitsune creature — a ghost fox, a harbinger of doom. Businessman Edward Salinger was tasked with finding a way to implement this idea.

The team explored various methods, including the use of balloons in the shape of foxes and whistle calls. As a result, it was decided to use live foxes with luminous paint.

To test the plan, Salinger's team even released some glowing foxes at Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C., to see what the public's reaction would actually be.

"Terrified citizens, shocked by the sudden sight of jumping ghost-like animals, fled from the dark corners of the park," the National Park Police said at the time.

After a successful experiment, the team was looking for a way to get the foxes to Japan. At first it was planned to dump them into the ocean, but the water washed away the paint. Salinger then suggested using balloons and a mechanical floating device in the shape of a stuffed fox with a human skull on its head. However, as a result, the project was closed before the start of application.

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