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The aurora borealis and light pillars divided the sky in half

Added Fri, 11/02/2022
Дата публикации
Fri, 11/02/2022

In a photo taken a couple of months ago in northern Norway, "atmospheric light shows" divide the night sky in half. Auroras are responsible for the decoration of the left part of the sky - the result of the collision of ionized particles of the solar wind with the upper layers of the Earth's gas envelope.

On the right side there are light pillars formed by the reflection of ground illumination by millions of tiny ice crystals floating in the air. And the person standing in the middle seems to be asking you:

"Which of the two spectacles do you choose?"

The vertical arrangement of the light pillars is due to the orientation of the flat ice crystals in relation to the ground, and the warm shades come from street lights. The greenness of the auroras flooding everything around is associated with oxygen glowing in the atmosphere, and their transparency can be judged by the stars visible through their veil. The distant background is strewn with stars, including the bright luminaries of Orion.

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