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The aurora season has begun in Iceland

Added Tue, 25/08/2020
Дата публикации
Tue, 25/08/2020

Fans of auroras have been waiting for the northern regions to return to the northern regions. Following Finland and Canada, the aurora season in Iceland can be considered open.

"Last night we saw the lights for the first time, they stretched across the sky from Reykjavik to Tingvellir National Park and sometimes even cast shadows!" said Christopher Matthews, who took the photo from Mount Hengill in southwestern Iceland.

Bright smoots near the Arctic Circle appeared immediately after a small stream of solar wind touched the Earth's magnetic field. Under the influence of charged particles, the atoms of gases in the upper atmosphere begin to emit light. Green radiation is caused by oxygen atoms, and purple radiation is caused by nitrogen.

Soon, the list of countries where the auroras can be observed will be greatly expanded, especially with the onset of the 25th solar cycle.

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