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In China raised a QR code from thousands of shrubs and trees

Added Thu, 21/09/2017
Дата публикации
Tue, 19/09/2017

In 2015 Xilinshui Chinese village in Hebei province was named the most beautiful in the country. The government has allocated a grant for the development of tourism in the amount of 1.1 million yuan (168 000 USD). Part of these funds was aimed at a bold idea — a giant QR code that is read only from the air. The required distance is not reported, but we know that after a successful scan, the smartphone will be redirected to the travel site of the village.

According to People's Daily, the creation of a square QR code took about 130 thousand juniper trees and shrubs ranging in height from 80 centimeters to 2.5 meters. Each side has a length of 227 meters.

The use of QR codes in China is extremely popular in the first place, for instant payments. Plate codes can be found everywhere: for example, they are the waiters, allowing you to give feedback about the service. Moreover, on the streets there are beggars asking for donations in the same way.

Even grown on the field, the QR code is not new: in 2013 such did one of the Chinese construction companies. When you scan a code not only provided information designed to attract buyers, but losing the music.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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