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The cosmonaut told about an unusual phenomenon that he saw from the ISS

Added Mon, 24/05/2021
Дата публикации
Mon, 24/05/2021

According to Roscosmos cosmonaut Andrey Borisenko, who flew to the ISS in 2011 and in 2016, it sometimes happens to see phenomena that may seem inexplicable at first glance. However, in the future, if this phenomenon is studied, it turns out that it is a non-standard or unusual manifestation of the physical principles known to us, RIA Novosti reports.

He observed a similar mysterious phenomenon during his first mission to the ISS — from the station he saw a large light spot on our planet. At first, the astronauts could not explain the nature of the glow, but then they managed to figure it out. It turned out to be simple — they observed the reflection of the Moon from the Earth's surface in a clear atmosphere on a lunar night.

Borisenko told about this case to the question of whether he saw a UFO in space. The cosmonaut noted that he does not remember any other unusual phenomena, including the appearance of UFOs.

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