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The "Devil's comet" will soon be visible to the naked eye

Added Sat, 16/03/2024
Дата публикации
Fri, 15/03/2024

In the coming weeks, it will be possible to see the Pons—Brooks comet in the night sky without special optics. A cosmic body approaches us only once in 70 years.

The Pons—Brooks comet is classified as cryovolcanic. From heating and increasing internal pressure, it emits gas-dust and ice fragments. One such eruption formed a plume resembling horns next to it, so the comet was given the unofficial name "diabolical".

The object will be especially clearly visible on the last day of March, when it will pass near the star Hamal.

Astrophysicists claim that, despite the visibility of the comet with the eyes on a moonless night and in the absence of haze, it will still be much more impressive to observe it, at least through binoculars or an amateur telescope.

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