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A new star will appear in the sky, which will be visible for one week

Added Sat, 16/03/2024
Дата публикации
Sat, 16/03/2024

Astronomers have reported that the star T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) will explode at any time this year, and its light will be visible to the naked eye for a week.

T CrB, located 3,000 light-years from Earth in the Northern Hemisphere of the sky, will shine as brightly as the North Star. It will be found in the constellation of the Northern Crown, which is located between the constellations Butes and Hercules.

According to NASA scientists, the explosion of the star will occur between today and September of this year. This event will be short-lived, as the light of the explosion will last only a week.

Historical records show that T CrB has already been observed in the past. The Reverend Francis Wollaston claimed to have seen a star with exact coordinates T CrB in 1787, and Abbott Burchard described a rapidly rising star in the Northern Crown in 1217.

Unlike most new stars that explode over thousands of years, T CrB will complete its cycle in just one week. Its brightness will peak and then dim again, which may happen in 80 years.

NASA predicts that the nova's flare "should be visible to the naked eye for several days and a little more than a week through binoculars."

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