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Don't miss it! On June 10, an annular solar eclipse will take place

Added Wed, 09/06/2021
Дата публикации
Wed, 09/06/2021

On June 10, an annular eclipse of the Sun will take place. The "Ring of Fire" can be seen in Greenland, Northern Canada and Russia, where the best conditions will develop in the north-east of Yakutia, in the north of the Magadan region and in the west of Chukotka. Private phases can be seen by residents of almost all regions of the country.

In Moscow, the maximum (private phase) will take place at 14:26 — the Moon will cover about 16% of the Sun's diameter, and "free" its disk by 15:28.

Astronomers remind us that all observations of the Sun require caution and accuracy — in any case, you can not look at the sun without solar light filters.

An annular solar eclipse is notable for the fact that the Moon does not completely cover the Sun, so the sky does not darken significantly, and a bright ring appears around the Moon.

If the weather does not allow you to see the sun in your region-do not despair: you can also see the "ring of fire" online.

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