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Due to the flammable body cream lit up the woman

Added Wed, 05/08/2020
Дата публикации
Wed, 05/08/2020

83-year-old resident of London, Yvonne Webb suffered from eczema, because I could not live without moisturizer, which turned out to be flammable and have resulted in an accident.

As reported online edition of the Standard, the woman was in a private house, I decided to use a tool to relieve itching and irritation that are characteristic of skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema, but I didn't know that it's easy to catch fire, because went to the gas stove to light a candle, but ignited itself. The cry of Yvonne jumped into the street, neighbors came running, which extinguished it and called an ambulance, but in the hospital the poor patient died.

"When I called, I was home with my son. I arrived at the hospital, it was clear that all very seriously, said the son of the victim, Ben Webb. — I was very glad that he managed to talk to my mom before she died".

The man reported the incident in social networks because his objective was to warn people about the danger of softening the skin creams, which is not suspected himself. Paying tribute to his late mother, he said:

"My mother loved his family, friends, and often party, we cooked a lot of food, laughed and enjoyed life. She was smart and adventurous, loved to travel and was a fantastic grandmother. Now I find it difficult to remember her life and not to think how she died. This is a terrible and ridiculous way to end a life."

Representatives of the firefighting and rescue services of Britain explained that in this kind of moisturizer often contain natural oils, oil and paraffin, which are really easy to ignite.

According to them, over the past 3 years, 16 people have died when caught in similar circumstances, because it is especially important to warn people about these dangers, especially if they are elderly.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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