Added | Thu, 16/09/2021 |
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Дата публикации | Thu, 16/09/2021
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A very bright fireball was recorded over southern Spain at 20: 25 UTC on September 15, 2021. The event lasted about 8 seconds and was noticed by a large number of people across the country.
The high temperature reached during re-entry led to the formation of a fireball that began at an altitude of about 91 km (56 miles) over the province of Badajoz.
The fireball was moving in a northwesterly direction and ended at an altitude of about 22 km (13 miles) over the same province.
A preliminary analysis conducted by the main researcher of the SMART project: Dr. Jose M. Madiedo from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) shows that the meteorite was not completely destroyed - a small part of the object could reach the earth.
This event was registered as part of the SMART project implemented by the Meteor Network of Southwestern Europe (SWEMN), from meteorite observation stations located in the astronomical observatories of Calar Alto (Almeria), Sierra Nevada (Granada), La Sagra, La Hita and Seville.
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