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The first stage of the rocket fell near the village

Added Mon, 24/06/2024
Дата публикации
Sun, 23/06/2024

China has successfully launched a small X-ray satellite into orbit, demonstrating its capabilities in the field of space technology. However, the return of the first stage of the rocket to Earth attracted no less attention than the launch itself.

According to video footage posted on the Internet, the first stage of the rocket fell in the immediate vicinity of a certain village, causing panic among local residents. Despite the fact that the booster landed at a safe distance, footage of people running away from it became popular online.

Experts note that such incidents are not uncommon for the Chinese space program, which does not yet use reusable rockets, unlike some other countries. Photographs and reports of rocket stage crashes have raised concerns about the safety and management of space debris in the past.

Issues of safety and reliability of space flights remain relevant, and this latest case is likely to make scientists think about the need to regulate this rapidly developing field.

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