Added | Thu, 26/10/2023 |
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Дата публикации | Thu, 26/10/2023
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A large and strange-looking ball washed up on the shore, according to the person who found it on the shore, from another world.
Phil Morris discovered a metal mystery while scanning the extreme north beach of Queensland, Australia with his metal detector. The object, found a few weeks ago, made Morris think about its origin.
He believes it could have been a piece of an unmanned rocket, but after "thousands" of images and hours of searching, it turned out that a similar metal ball was found in Namibia ten years ago.
After seeing a photograph of Namibia some time after its discovery, Mr. Morris stated that he "knew it was identical."
In a conversation with Yahoo, Mr. Morris said:
"Looking at it, I realized that at some stage the metal was very hot. I believe it is more than likely that this heavy metal ball fell into the ocean before eventually being washed ashore."
He has since called the find the most "unique" in four decades of combing beaches across the country in search of pieces of metal. Phil added:
"I thought I found almost everything that could be washed."
The authorities made it clear that people should not approach the cylinder, since its origin was unknown for several days. Some thought it was an item from another planet, while others began to wonder if the device was man-made.
A separate cylinder two meters high and wide was washed ashore back in July near Green Head Beach in Western Australia. The Australian Space Agency has since evaluated the find and confirmed the "most likely" origin of the object.
They "determined that the object most likely represents the body of a solid-fuel rocket engine." It is now believed that the object fell from an Indian LVM3-M4 rocket.
This rocket is designed to transport communications satellites into geostationary orbit, although it seems that its parts are scattered on various beaches around the world.
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