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In Florida, a huge crater swallowed a mobile home

Added Thu, 06/02/2020
Дата публикации
Thu, 06/02/2020

74-year-old Anwar El Khoury has lived in a mobile home in Florida for 11 years until the end of January in his front yard formed a 15-metre crater. His house is on wheels and one dangling over the edge of the crater that also engulfed a pine tree.

61-year-old neighbor Victoria Crosby shared his memories of how once near her own house formed a failure the size of a pool.

In the Geological service of the USA noted that such education often occur in areas where limestone soil is easily eroded by water. Moreover, similar craters to be caused by human activity during the construction and pumping of groundwater.

Tallahassee police Department evacuated several nearby houses, and official Twitter account they said that the elimination of the failure is not within the competence of the Department.

Deputy head of the local fire Department Richard Jones reported that the state "controls" the funnel until it is evaluated by experts on the environment.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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