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A ghost was seen in the Biya Museum

Added Fri, 26/11/2021
Дата публикации
Fri, 26/11/2021

Have you ever met with ghosts? Or do you think that this is fiction? The staff of the Biysk Museum of Local Lore named after Vitaly Bianchi do not consider ghosts to be fictions, they claim that they have seen them.

The fact is that the museum is located in the former house of merchant Nikolai Ivanovich Assanov, where he and his family once lived. Nikolai Ivanovich was a man of incredible energy, broad-minded, wholeheartedly rooting for the fate and development of the city. He was engaged in trade with Mongolia and, realizing the importance of the Mongolian language, offered to open a department for its study in Biysk in one of the schools. Also, thanks to Nikolai Ivanovich, Przhevalsky's horse was preserved, which was eventually completely destroyed in Mongolia and would have disappeared as a species.

Assanov's house is almost a hundred years old, but it seems that the owners of the house do not want to leave it, despite the fact that they have been dead for a long time. It seems that someone invisible continues to live in the mansion. He opens the doors, breaks the strings of the alarm system, once did not let the museum guard cook dinner – pulled the plug out of the socket. The ghost was seen several times – once in the library window a researcher saw the image of a man with a book in his hands, according to him – the ghost looked like Nikolai Ivanovich Assanov himself.

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