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Huge sinkhole was formed on the highest dam in the United States

Added Mon, 13/02/2017
Дата публикации
Sun, 12/02/2017

After a year of heavy rains, California's lake Oroville is the place where is the highest dam in the U.S. — filled with water almost to the maximum. On Friday, February 10, the lake had overflowed to the incredible California standards scale. The water level in it was 273 feet, which is 96 % of the maximum capacity of the reservoir. The California Department of water resources increased water discharge with 1.1 thousand cubic meters to 1.8 thousand cubic metres in an attempt to avoid using the emergency spillway. But the flow of water damaged the main Weir, opening a sinkhole right in the middle. The failure was so large that it seemed to swallow the workers, who climbed it to study the damage. When the scale of the accident became apparent, the engineers temporarily stopped the water flow.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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