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Light pillars formed in the sky over Voronezh and the region

Added Thu, 23/12/2021
Дата публикации
Wed, 22/12/2021

A unique atmospheric phenomenon was observed last night by residents of Voronezh and the region. They saw, captured and posted photos of the light poles on social networks.

Pillars are formed after sunset or before sunrise, at the moment when the sun is located on the horizon. For this effect to occur, high humidity and a sharp cold snap are necessary.

The appearance of light columns is also influenced by saturated cirrus clouds and air filled with moisture crystallizing in the atmosphere. In the cold, snowflakes and ice crystals located close to the ground begin to work like small lenses, reflecting moonlight, sunlight or from lanterns, car headlights, searchlights. This is how bright light pillars are formed, directed upwards.

A similar phenomenon was observed in Voronezh even after the snowfall on the ninth of February this year.

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