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Residents of Dzerzhinsk observed bright light poles in the sky

Added Fri, 02/12/2022
Дата публикации
Fri, 02/12/2022

The light poles could be observed again tonight by residents of Dzerzhinsk. They shared footage of "lanterns" aiming for the sky on social networks.

"An incredible sight!" — one of the eyewitnesses wrote.

"Nizhny Novgorod radiance", — emphasized Nikolay Shch.

"UFOs take their own," Maxim X joked.

"There is a light pole in the Bor district. Locals have been observing this rare phenomenon for a long time," a user with the nickname "D Z" recalled.

"Light poles. The rays of light are reflected from the surface. Frost and high humidity contribute to this. Nothing strange, just beautiful," said Ekaterina E.

"This phenomenon is not uncommon, it often happens in winter, especially in the cold," Yulia K. added.

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