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The natural fountain of the Kuban mud is dangerous for tourists

Added Sat, 23/10/2021
Дата публикации
Sat, 23/10/2021

On the territory of the Crimean district (Krasnodar Territory), the Shugo mud volcano has woken up.

According to the chairman of the regional branch of the REO Timur Tyatianchenko, despite the regular outpouring of gases and silt from the volcano, this episode of the awakening of a natural phenomenon is a danger for tourists.

The height of the mud monster Shugo is 163 m . This is a unique natural monument, in appearance - a circular mountain, the crater of which has a diameter of about 400 m with a depth of 46 m.

The surface of the volcano is dotted with numerous griffins of various shapes and sizes. Experts rightly consider Shugo to be one of the largest mud volcanoes that are still active in the region. It is desirable to admire this spectacle from afar.

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