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In the Network appeared the first filming of a total solar Eclipse

Added Mon, 03/06/2019
Дата публикации
Sun, 02/06/2019

The first ever filming of a total solar Eclipse has been digitized and made available. The work was conducted by specialists of the British film Institute and the Royal astronomical society.

The first total solar Eclipse captured magician Nevil Maskelyn and the American astronomer John bacon in the group of the British astronomical Association on may 28, 1900, during the expedition to North Carolina. This was the second attempt to capture an unusual phenomenon. In 1898 Neville has successfully removed the Eclipse in India, but the film was stolen. The illusionist did the tapes as evidence that the developing film may be used for the benefit of science.

Specialists of the National archive of the British film Institute have digitized each frame, put them together and edited in 4K resolution, which lasts just over a minute. The resulting video is available for viewing to any interested person.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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