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In the night sky of Canada noted, "Steve"

Added Thu, 12/04/2018
Дата публикации
Thu, 12/04/2018

On Tuesday evening, canadian photographer Alan Dyer raised his eyes and saw a pinkish-purple ribbon, flying through the night sky of Alberta. Northern lights? Not really.

"It was "Steve"," says Dyer, who took the photos of the glowing arc.

The name of the phenomenon translated as "strong enhancement of thermal radiation" (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE)). It can often be seen next to the polar lights, but it's not the same thing.

Scientists are only beginning to understand what is "Steve". Satellite measurements show that the afterglow of the hot ribbon of gas that flows through the Earth's magnetosphere during some geomagnetic storms.

"I got "Steve" when he is already fading and your eyes look white or colorless. The chamber gave its characteristic pinkish-purple color that is different from the other auroras. Earlier that night the other photographers saw him, accompanied by bright green strips," said Dyer.

It was recently discovered that "Steve" prefers equinox and appears most often in spring and autumn.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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