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Over Alabama flying meteor

Added Mon, 20/08/2018
Дата публикации
Sat, 18/08/2018

NASA has released incredible video of bright meteor that lit up the sky over Alabama just after midnight local time on Friday.

Fireball, based on the description, was "at least 40 times brighter than the full moon". According to the Meteorological upravleniu NASA space flight Center the George Marshall in Huntsville, he was first spotted at the altitude of 93 km from Turkistan, North-East from the town of Gadsden in Alabama.

According to NASA, the meteor flew to the North-West at a speed of 86,4 km/h and broke up at altitude 28.9 km above the small town of grove oak.

Most likely, the meteor was caused by a small asteroid with a diameter of 1.8 m. NASA said that his appearance was the brightest event in the sky that caused the activity of all cameras and sensors to track the meteorites in the region.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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