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Первая академическая публикация об НЛО

Added Tue, 08/10/2019
Дата публикации
Tue, 01/01/1980

In December 1979 the Central radio message was transmitted on the publication of Institute for Space research, USSR Academy of Sciences booklet "observations of anomalous atmospheric phenomena in the USSR". In the December issue of the journal "Chemistry and life" in 1979 was published the following memo:

Space research Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences recently issued a brochure entitled "observations of anomalous atmospheric phenomena in the USSR. Statistical analysis". The authors of the brochure: L. M. Gindilis (State astronomical Institute named after Sternberg K.), D. A. men'kov (Moscow engineering physics Institute), I. G. Petrovskaya (Institute of space research).

The brochure describes the results of processing 207 of reported 256 cases of observations of anomalous atmospheric phenomena - this term the authors believe is more successful than the term UFO (unidentified flying objects) because it does not contain interpretations of observed phenomena as objects. The messages were collected and provided by the authors candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences F. Y. Zigel and checking they were not exposed.

Showed statistical processing of these materials?

She revealed a fairly high professional level eyewitness: 33 witness (25% of those reporting their specialty) - scientists, 23 (17.5%) is engineers, 14 (11%) - pilots; 30% of the number of scientists - astronomers.

She revealed a very small proportion of single observations - only 31%. 27.5% of cases observed a few people 15% 2 people 15% - tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of witnesses.

It revealed an irregularity cases by years, months, days, and time of day. 76% of all cases falls in 1967. The maximum observation occurs in July, August, September, October at different points were recorded on a 10 - 12 "anomalies", often very similar to each other. For example, we give a short description of the observations of "anomalous objects" on September 19, 1967:

In the end, the authors of this brochure have come to the conclusion that the messages usually describe how observation of real phenomena. Part of them could be optical effects in the atmosphere, part of the results of technical experiments in the atmosphere and near-earth space. However, this explanation is not applicable to one-third of cases because of the peculiarities of the motion of objects and also due to the fact that the observations belonged to dagomysskiy era (1923 - 1956).

In General, the authors believe that the question of the nature of anomalous atmospheric phenomena is still open ostaetsya that his decision to have more reliable data and to organize relevant observations at available meteorological, geophysical and astronomical points in the service order.

About these recent events it is appropriate to recall the famous saying: "Science moves forward." Good luck!

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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