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In Russia there is a lake, which every August becomes "pink jelly"

Added Wed, 05/04/2017
Дата публикации
Tue, 11/10/2016

This is a wonderful salt lake is situated in Altai. Every year in August, it is painted bright pink for the same reasons as its better known Spanish "brother."

All about micro-organisms – the three-eyed, 11-lapuh Artemia that during this period reproduce here with insane speed. Due to climate changes in the past few years, this lake turns into a "pink jelly" earlier than usual

This lake is the largest salt field in Western Siberia, especially favorite Russian monarchs. They say that Catherine the Great did not acknowledge any other salt in his Desk, in addition to salt lake burly.

Before and after this period, the lake is blue on Sunny days and grey — in a gloomy, as most of the other lakes.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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