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Mysterious creatures resembling aliens have appeared on the beaches of Australia

Added Thu, 21/09/2023
Дата публикации
Tue, 19/09/2023

Mysterious creatures have recently begun to appear on the beaches of Australia, causing a real stir among locals and the Internet community.

One of these mysterious creatures was discovered near the city of Adelaide (South Australia) and immediately became the object of attention not only of local residents, but also of the whole world thanks to social networks. The shocking photo of the find was posted on the popular Reddit forum, where the author hoped to get an explanation of the origin of this strange creature.

At first glance, the mysterious creatures carried out by the ocean seem shapeless, jelly-like and covered with bright yellow dots. Many social media users have stated that they look like aliens. These photos can really create the feeling that something from another galaxy is in front of us.

However, a marine biologist has shed light on this mystery. He explained that the creature in the photo is a colony of ascidia, marine organisms that are found in coastal zones.

"Each of these small yellow dots is a separate animal called a zooid, but they are all genetically identical within the colony," the specialist wrote.

The creature is a unique combination of a vertebrate and an invertebrate organism, he explained. Ascidia of the Botrylloides leachii species were captured in the photo.

Despite the strange appearance and comparisons with alien life forms, ascidia are absolutely safe for humans and do not pose a threat to the environment. These organisms may indeed look mysterious, but they are just one of the many amazing phenomena that can be found in the oceans of Australia.

In general, mysterious creatures that look like something alien turned out to be just unusual ascidians, reminding us of how much the unknown can hide in the depths of the oceans.

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