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Spain hold competitions for resistance to the female

Added Tue, 25/04/2017
Дата публикации
Sat, 31/01/2015

Spain. A flock of colorful pigeons-males follows a single dove during the competition, organized by the professional pigeon in the southern Spanish town of Bollullos-de-La-Mitacion (province of Seville).

The contest idea is prevalent also in Valencia and Murcia, is that the dove remained with the female in the air. The most persistent of birds subsequently receives the right to care for her.

Moreover, the selection of the winner is mainly taken into account the constancy and affection of a male to his, not the purity of his breed or sport skills. To train the pigeons for such mating competitions start around the age of three months.

Initially, training takes place on the ground when dozens of males under the tree to a specially trained pigeon that refuses to courtship. After some time the birds are transferred to the workouts already in the air. In order to distinguish in the sky their birds from others, the pigeon came up with an unusual sports equipment: paint their feathers with paints.

By the way, the paints used are of plant origin and are harmless to pigeons. During the competition the pigeon becomes a projection of his master, who embodies its sporty, love the material and achieve (or, conversely, failure). Moreover, the possession of a dove-the champion can be not only prestigious, but also quite profitable.

It happened that such local competition over time grew to Championships on a national scale, and the price of the pigeons, who they reached 30 thousand euros.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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