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Steve and the Aurora appeared in the sky of Finland on the equinox

Added Sun, 22/03/2020
Дата публикации
Sat, 21/03/2020

The flow of solar wind struck the Earth's magnetic field on the eve of the spring equinox, March 19, triggering auroras. "What a night! Equinox brought a real fairy tale," — said the author of the picture of rayann Elzein from Utsjoki, Finland.

In addition to the green flashes of the Aurora light pink stripe divided the sky into two parts. According to the photographer, it could be an atmospheric phenomenon known as "Steve".

The source of this phenomenon — hot streams of plasma flowing through the magnetic field of the Earth. "Steve" is always pink or purple and is shaped like a tape, as it produces the plasma stream. He usually appears at least 10 degrees South of the Arctic circle. Recently, however, it was noticed in the Arctic regions. "Steve" imprinted on the image formed on the 70° North latitude.

A few days before and after the equinox there is particularly favorable conditions for polar lights. Their appearance contributes to the effect of Russell — of Macferran, which lies in the interaction of the interplanetary magnetic field and magnetosphere of the Earth, which causes the formation of cracks in the magnetosphere letting in the solar wind.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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