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UFO crash in the Middle Urals and the "Witch from Outer Space"

Added Tue, 18/04/2023
Дата публикации
Tue, 18/04/2023

Meetings with representatives of alien civilizations have become commonplace in our time. Information about them comes from all over the world, including Antarctica. However, the consequences of such meetings for humanity have not yet been fully studied. There were many cases when these meetings led to tragic consequences and did not fit into the framework of common sense. One of these cases occurred in the village of Velikovo in the Middle Urals.

Previously, it was an ordinary village on the shore of a lake, where several hundred people lived. Old-timers told how a bright fire broke out over the forest near the lake, which hit the shore near the village. As a result, a huge pit was formed, and some strange stones were scattered around it. The villagers began to experience unexplained health problems, and the cattle refused to drink water from the lake.

To get rid of the evil spirits that started in the village, a beautiful wooden chapel was built on the shore of the lake. However, this did not help to completely get rid of the problems. Soon the entire male population over the age of 18 went to the front, and after the First World War there were very few residents left in the village.

In 1939-1940, an even more mysterious incident occurred. A "big iron steamer all on fire" descended from the sky, which fell with a crash and sank into the ground. At this place there was a large pit filled with water and the locals began to call it the "Cursed Pit". 

After that, earth tremors began in the village and the frequency of vibration on the lake noticeably increased. Fishermen talked about large ripples on the water and a piercing howl, which led to a loss of control over themselves and the disease of an unknown disease.

Those who approached the pit said that some wonderful "stones" were scattered around: some were black, nostrils, others were greenish, dense and heavy. In the pit itself, there were allegedly "red-hot fire arrows" that "moved" as if alive.  

In addition, people saw strange little green men in the forest, who instantly disappeared. One day three women noticed them in a clearing in the woods, but they quickly disappeared. 

Eyewitness accounts of these events that occurred in the Middle Urals about the crash of a UFO and the subsequent appearance of a second UFO correspond to modern reports of UFO sightings. As for the aliens who hid their "flying saucer" underground after the crash (or perhaps it wasn't a crash at all and the aircraft was specially placed underground to hide it from the eyes of the local population) and stayed at the crash site, it is impossible to know why they did so. Perhaps their spaceship was faulty, or maybe they were conducting a study of the terrain, the animal and plant world of our planet, and of course its inhabitants.

All these events could not but affect and the villagers simply left the village out of harm's way. There was only one woman left there named Maria, who did not want to leave. She said that the little green men helped her to manage the garden and treated her daughter if she got sick. So it was or not, no one knew for sure, and they did not pry. In the surrounding villages, Marya did not show up afterwards, no one went to the cursed place, and the widow and her "green bosses" were gradually forgotten.

In the 90s, a woman with paranormal abilities appeared, who called herself Alyona and was considered a real witch by her deeds.  She told me that she was the daughter of the very Maria who communicated with the aliens after remaining to live in the cursed village. It is possible that meetings with aliens endowed her with psychic abilities, including the gift of foresight. 

One day, Alyona's grandmother disappeared forever. No one knew where she had gone or what had happened to her. Some said that she had died, others that she had gone to live somewhere far away. But all the villagers were glad that they no longer had to listen to her ominous prophecies.

However, even many years after her disappearance, some residents still remember Grandma Alyona and her strange eyes. And many still believe that she was a real witch, able to predict the future. But no one knows if it's true or not.

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