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UFO over Kiev

Added Thu, 21/09/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 21/09/2017

Alexander Vakula, a former assistant to the Minister of housing and communal services of Ukraine Kucherenko, demonstrated in the network is made from Windows photos that many people initially mistook for a flying saucer.

UFO photos with such clarity, almost never happens, except made in photoshop. This, however, is not photoshop, but real photos. However, the network quickly figured out what was happening: it is quite recognized, and not the flying object is caused by the lamp, which is reflected in the glass.

In the words of the author of the photo, "is a reflection of the room lamp in the window."

Despite the banality of the photo, just the day this post got almost a thousand shares and hundreds of comments. "Mars attacks" - fun commentators, - "UFO-the vampire, it is not reflected".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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