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An unusual case of heterochromia was found in a Swiss resident

Added Fri, 28/07/2023
Дата публикации
Fri, 28/07/2023

Swiss specialists from the University Hospital of Zurich in a publication in The New England Journal of Medicine described an unusual case of heterochromia. The publication says that a 43-year-old resident of Switzerland turned to an ophthalmologist with complaints of redness of the eyelids, which did not go away for three months. The doctor noticed that his iris was multicolored in sectors: one part was blue and the other was brown, and on the other eye the pattern was reversed.

According to the patient, his iris looked like this from birth. As a result, the doctor diagnosed him with sector heterochromia, as well as chalazion of the left eyelid, in which the output channel of the meibomian gland is blocked. The patient's visual acuity was 0.8 in both eyes.

The specialist decided to refer the patient to audiometry and DNA testing, given that heterochromia may indicate the presence of some inherited syndrome, especially since his relatives had both deafness and heterochromia.

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