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What starbursts will delight us with the June sky?

Added Mon, 03/06/2019
Дата публикации
Mon, 03/06/2019

In June, its peak will reach a meteor shower Aristide. The radiant of a meteor shower is in the constellation of Aries, which is reflected in its name ("Aries" is Latin for "RAM"). His appearance Arietid required comet 96P / Machholz. They are one of the strongest daylight (radio) meteor showers. Aristide peak reached on June 7. To observe them with the naked eye is quite difficult (to the Sun during peak flow, which is 40-70 meteors per hour, is close to the radiant). Difficult, but possible. For this you need to stock up on binoculars and pay attention to the pre-dawn sky (approximately 3:00-4:00 across Moscow).

Another meteor shower, seen in June — bootid. Its radiant lies in the constellation of Bootes (lat. Boötes). Bootey appear annually when the Earth crosses the orbit of comet 7P / Pons — Winneke. Unfortunately, modern bootey not active enough, only 1-2 of meteors per hour. But the stream is known for its unpredictability. So, in 1998, observers noted up to 100 meteors falling per hour, and in 2004 their number varied from 20 to 50. Booted its peak reached on June 27.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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