Added | Mon, 22/06/2020 |
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Дата публикации | Sun, 21/06/2020
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The dugong, dugong or ordinary (lat. Dugon Dugon), is a large aquatic mammals that feed on plant food. Translated from Malaysian "duyung" means "sea maiden". According to some researchers, the dugong became the prototype of fabulous mermaids. And if this is true, then we are ready to give credit to the imagination of sailors who are in the animal, the body weight of which reaches up to 600 kg, and length from 2.5 to 4 meters, spotted a magical creature.
Dugongs belong to the order of the sirens. Their closest relatives are the manatees and Steller cows, animals with a tragic fate: from the moment they open until the moment of complete destruction by man it's just more than a quarter of a century. The dugong is the only member of his family surviving to our days. They live in the coastal zone, feed on algae and breathe atmospheric air. The ancestors of the "sea cows" might some time be on land, but the modern representatives of the family, this ability is lost.
Dugongs — a very voracious creatures. During the day they can "learn" up to 40 kg of food. While eating animals actively use their thick lips, the upper of which is bifurcated. Your meal dugongs interrupt every 3-15 minutes in order to rise to the surface and gulp air. Then come to the meal, which is ground powerful molars cylindrical shape.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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