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On the Yamal Peninsula continue to explore the crater

Added Thu, 19/04/2018
Дата публикации
Wed, 18/04/2018

Russian centre of Arctic exploration, he founded an expedition on the Yamal Peninsula to explore the shape of the lake basin in the Arctic.

The expedition was attended by the Institute of Microbiology of RAS, Institute of Cryology and crisafi TSU and the Institute of Earth cryosphere, Tyumen scientific center of RAS. Scientists took samples of bottom sediments from lakes and water from the 10 lakes on the Yamal Peninsula, among the places of collection were craters left after gas emissions. The samples were collected of snow, which will help assess how it affects the chemical composition of the water. The emphasis scientists have made craters, the majority of studies were conducted at the hospital "Vaskiny Summer."

The funnel began to find on the Yamal Peninsula in the last few years — they are filled with water and resemble a small pool of round shape. During early research we found out that they are formed due to emissions of gas from under the ground. Experts fear that they may pose a threat to roads, settlements and the reindeer herding brigades.

Earlier in TSU modeled the process of how the hill formed before emission of the gas — it turns out that its formation goes from 66 years, during which its diameter and height increase. Currently in some areas of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district has installed seismic sensors with a range of 200 km — they can monitor seismic processes that will help to predict natural hazards.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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