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In Zimbabwe goddamn jacket killed more than 20 people

Added Tue, 03/07/2018
Дата публикации
Tue, 03/07/2018

Zimbabwe is the most mystical country in Africa and there are regular reports of triggered the curses of sorcerers, poltergeists, attacks invisible beings, ghosts, goblins and other. The next news from Zimbabwe tells the story of a sinister jacket, who allegedly killed 20 people.

As according to Bulawayo24 News, a large family of Chinon (Chinoona) of the town Mansonusa the cry appealed to the chief judge of the district. They said that for twenty of their relatives killed the mysterious jacket which is their uncle, Mitsubachi once gave his father. It was in 1998, and shortly thereafter father's uncle died.

According to family members, the jacket was imprisoned the spirit of the dead person killed himself Matsubara with the help of special rituals of the underworld. His father knew nothing about it and bravely wore a jacket, which is his undoing. Then, Mitsubachi gave the jacket to my sister as a gift for her husband. Shortly afterwards, the family began mysteriously to die and other people. Since 1998, died over 20 people, including 8 children.

Family asked the judge to have influenced Matsubara and forced him to destroy his goddamn jacket. No one else from the family supposedly can't do. The judge sent them to Mozambique to the healer. According to Parikia of Chinon, the whole mystery of the cursed jacket came to light quite by accident when one of the children "possessed by the spirit of the deceased father and told us that strangled his goddamn jacket, Mitsubachi".

"The judge sent us to Mozambique to the local traditional healer. In Mozambique, the healer of Sangoma told us that the jacket was imprisoned the spirit of a deceased person who killed our uncle. He said that as soon as our father put on this jacket, the jacket strangled him to death. Then Sangoma said that this jacket uncle to blame for all the deaths that occurred in those years in our family."

According to Garikai, they are convinced his uncle to destroy the jacket, but he doesn't want to do. Now the family again turned to the judge.

"We came here, as only the court will help us punish Mitsubachi. A lot of people have been killed through his fault. We are talking about more than 20 people who mysteriously died one after the other. As for my family, I lost about eight children. Our mother became ill and is now bedridden".

After requests of the family of Chinua the chief justice ordered the arrest of Mitsubachi to start it on its charge.

A photo of the jacket in the press is not represented.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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