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The darkness and evil in Yakutia: who stole the sun and polluted the air?

Added Wed, 25/07/2018
Дата публикации
Wed, 25/07/2018

For the Russian Republic of Yakutia, located in cold Siberia, July — long-awaited opportunity to break from a seven-month winter which lasts from October to April. This is a rare time when the local inhabitants can go outside without fear that it will freeze their face, time, the merciful when the sun shines in the sky more than twenty hours a day instead of two.

Now imagine the disappointment of the Siberians, who on Friday, July 20, went outside and saw the sun.

According to regional news site "Yakutia 24", Eveno-Bytantayskiy and Zhigansky districts from 11:00 to 14:00, inexplicably plunged into darkness. Eyewitness photos show the dark silhouettes of trees and buildings on the background of the red sky. In addition to the sinister atmosphere, the air seemed troubled, filled with black dust.

"On the street it was impossible to be", — has told Daily Sakha witnesses strange events. Others reported that their homes suddenly appeared black, that mysterious could have turned barrels of water into barrels with mud and on nearby lakes after the Eclipse left a layer of dirt.

While local blame the dark forces, the experts presented a more likely explanation: numerous forest fires raging around Yakutia and other regions of Siberia.

As recalled by Earth Observatory NASA, in Siberia it's fire season. May have already burned tens of thousands of acres of forest. Although most of the fires are hundreds of kilometers from the cities covered by the Eclipse, smoke and aerosols, ejected some of the lesions extending to half the world. One of the fires that occurred on 3 July, resulted in a strong smoke plume, which is in 11 days, traveled over 8000 kilometers, passing through northeast Russia and Alaska to Central Canada, before he began to weaken.

The plumes from these large fires can easily obscure the ground and fill the air polluting gases that scientists say NASA. However, to date no definitive conclusions about the Eclipse in Yakutia was not. This may be due to the combination of natural and anthropogenic factors such as industrial pollution in the region.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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