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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Mystery of mysterious three-meter monolith in Utah revealed

A mysterious monument three meters high was discovered in the desert of the us state of Utah. It is most likely the work of the minimalist artist John McCracken, who lived nearby.

In the sky above Japan noticed a mysterious object

The footage, taken at night, shows a round-shaped glowing object flying above the clouds, and a few seconds later there is a flash.

Another mysterious monolith discovered in Romania

Romania continued its unique challenge on the monoliths buried in the ground.

The monster hunter will save the inhabitants of Zimbabwe from a mysterious killer

The sorcerer is already experienced, he previously defeated a giant super snake that drowned people, attacked Goblin teachers, and even expelled a baboon from the school.

Six terrible urban legends of Volgograd

Any city is full of its own legends and horror stories, and Volgograd is no exception. Over the 430 years of its existence, the city has accumulated many such stories.

In the Utah desert detected a mysterious monolith of metal

An expedition of biologists during a helicopter flight over the desert noticed a strange shiny object, scientists descended and saw a kind of metal monolith.

An "alien creature" crawled out of a dead mantis»

The scenes looked like something out of the classic Hollywood movie Alien. The footage was seen thousands of times on Reddit, where users urged the operator to burn everything that was visible.

"This is a hoax!": another optical illusion with a dress has again alarmed the Network

To illustrate the jokes of our brain, the image was made mobile and even recorded on video.

Silvery clouds in November over Russia shocked local residents

On November 22, residents of Russia noticed a strange phenomenon-bright silvery clouds. Observers were shocked.

An elf appeared above the Iota storm

On November 14, tropical storm Iota passed over Puerto Rico. Soon becoming a category 5 hurricane, the increasing storm provoked the appearance of powerful lightning.

The skeleton of an extinct mermaid is on display in Copenhagen

Copenhagen, which lost its bronze celebrity statue of the little Mermaid for six months, got a skeleton of its ancestor on world laughter day, courtesy of the city's natural history Museum.

A man on the field cut out a huge penis

Jamie Rick thought about why not create a "giant Johnson" in Canada and started to implement his idea. As a result, he cut out a huge penis on the field, measuring 243 meters.


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