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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


The remains of a mysterious creature with tentacles washed up on the island

The remains of a mysterious creature washed up on the shore of Whidbey island in the us state of Washington, puzzled experts. This is reported by Livescience.

The Carrington event was not the only one of its kind

On September 1, 1859, The earth was "drenched" by the most ferocious solar storm in history — the so-called Carrington event, named after its discoverer from great Britain.

Water tornadoes lifted umbrellas into the air on a South Carolina beach

On September 25 in South Carolina on the coast of the resort town of Myrtle beach, water tornadoes were captured on video.

On Earth, a G2 class magnetic storm broke out: the Northern lights flashed over Russia

On the evening of September 27, a G2 (medium-level) magnetic storm began on earth. It lasted all night and weakened only by midday on September 28.

The sky turned pink

We are used to seeing green auroras. But during the equinox, they can be pink!

Photo of a "pancake" sunset from San Francisco

Photographer Mila Zinkova watched this sunset from San Francisco and it reminded her of Breakfast. According to her, the setting sun looked like a stack of pancakes.

The reason for the mass death of birds in the United States is named

Some time ago, we wrote that birds die EN masse in the United States: sometimes the roads are literally littered with corpses.

Andromeda's Halo

The Andromeda galaxy (M31) is the closest large spiral galaxy to our milky Way. It is located at a distance of 2.5 million light-years from us.

A gigantic jet over Puerto Rico

On September 5, Frankie Lucena pointed his camera toward a tropical wave, just South of Puerto Rico.

Near Chelyabinsk dacha almost fell into the ground

In the private sector of Kopeysk (Chelyabinsk region), one of the garden plots almost fell into hell. There was an unexpected collapse of the ground, resulting in an impressive pit.

Ural astronomer captured on video giant red lightning, beating up

Ilya Yankovsky, an astronomer from the Sverdlovsk region, captured a video of a rare natural phenomenon – giant red lightning, called sprites, shooting up.

Two-headed calf was born in India

India confidently continues the tradition of one of the most mysterious and exciting overseas lands, and sometimes it seems that what is happening there is not inferior in scope and boldness to the


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