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35038 facts from 176 countries related to 1184 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2825 of them were solved, another 10933 are under verification for compliance with one of the 321 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Mysterious metal stele appeared in Tula

Iron steles that suddenly appeared and disappeared were discovered all over the world.

Mysterious monolith found on the British Isle of Wight

A mysterious monolith appeared in the UK on the Isle of Wight. It was discovered by a local resident while walking the dog.

The disappearance of planes over the Bermuda triangle is revealed

Australian researcher Shane Satterlee explained the mystery of the disappearance of five planes in 1945 over the Bermuda triangle.

The mystery of the glowing alien is revealed

Ichthyologists broke their heads trying to identify the creature, which in early December swam into the Harbor of the British city of Bristol.

The fourth monolith appears in San Antonio, Texas

Images on social media show a strange figure represented by Alamo city, located on the North side, on the street behind San Antonio international airport, outside Canopener Labs, a company located

The guy's car disappeared in front of his eyes

On the Reddit site, a post appeared in which a resident of the UK told his night adventure. So, the guy, when waiting for the bus, saw a car moving quickly.

An art group from the United States said it installed the monolith in Utah

A group of artists The most famous artist from the us state of new Mexico took responsibility for the installation of a mysterious obelisk in the desert of the us state of Utah, writes the publicat

Scientists reveal the secret of pulsating auroras

Scientists from Japan and the United States have revealed the secret of pulsating auroras.

Last night two more mysterious monoliths appeared on Earth

Last week, many media outlets talked about the appearance of mysterious monoliths. One was found in Utah, and the other was found in Romania.

A resident of Thailand caught a sea creature with twenty tentacles

The incident occurred while fishing: a resident of Thailand named deshi Sichai caught a frightening creature that had as many as 20 limbs.

TOP 10: Light phenomena that have puzzled scientists a lot

When you think of the most strange and at the same time fascinating auroras and optical phenomena, you probably think of rainbows, Northern lights, and halos around the Sun or moon, although you ca

Another metal monolith of unknown origin appeared in California

In the United States of America, another mysterious monolith of metal appeared. This time it was found on a mountain in California.


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