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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


A meteorite that fell in Lebanon led to a major fire

In the province of Akkar, located in Northern Lebanon, local residents witnessed the fall of a meteorite near the village of al-Talil.

Physical evidence in alien abduction cases

In the phenomenon of "alien Abduction", as in cases of animal mutilation, the same General areas are observed: eyes, nose, ears, and genitals.

But the similarity ends there.

River in Kemerovo turned red due to pollution

The Iskitimka river in Kemerovo turned red — its waters turned red due to a blockage of the stormwater collector.

Red arc over Sweden: photos of a rare phenomenon

You know about the Aurora Borealis-green and purple flashes that seem to dance in the sky during geomagnetic storms.

Scientists explained why the sea at Novorossiysk became red

In the area of the village of Myshako near Novorossiysk, the water in the Black sea turned red.

Even the ocean turned pink: a photo of an unusual Aurora over Norway

Guide Markus Varick took this picture in tromsø in Norway on October 24. According to him, the pink lights were so bright that even the ocean turned pink — this caused delight among observers.

Wonders of the night sky in a picture from Sardinia

How many famous celestial objects can you find in this image?

This image combines more than 60 exposures and covers 220 degrees, creating a real collection of wonders of the night sky.

Incredible illusion: the helicopter takes off, but the blades do not move

In the video presented, it seems that the helicopter blades do not move, but this is far from the case. It's all about the camera that captured this situation.

On the coast of the United States noticed a giant jellyfish

According to the American TV station WFLA, not far from the town of Naples (Florida), a man while Jogging on the ocean came across a jellyfish of such impressive size that it seemed to be able to a

Are Northern lights red?

The earth is in a stream of high-speed solar wind flowing out of a hole in the Sun's atmosphere. On October 23, this caused a rare red Aurora to appear over Denmark.

The mystery of the dome: the United States has declassified the data about the Soviet "superweapon"

The Drive continues to try to understand the "mysterious phenomenon of the Soviet "Dome of light".

Creeping Devil: a Mexican cactus that can move on the ground

The Mexicans called this cactus " Creeping devil — - Stenocereus eruca is able to move on the ground with the help of appendages.


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